KreativLabor (creative laboratory)
The “KreativLabor” (creative laboratory) is an interdisciplinary cultural project at Charles Hallgarten School in Frankfurt am Main. Five artists from the fields of the fine arts, music, literature, drama and dancing work at an interdisciplinary level with special needs pupils of classes five and six on an annual topic for one school-day a week. The topic is chosen according to the focal interests of the pupils. The aim is to integrate everyone in the project and ultimately present the results to a school audience (pupils, teachers and parents).
What have you taken home from this project for your artistic activities?
I learn something new in the KreativLabor every week. The pupils show me music, apps, videos and, most important of all, they communicate their opinion of the world to me. We have exciting discussions which really move me. The topics we discuss turn up again and again in my artistic work, which they highly inspire.