
Home » Symposium » RA:DIO – All kinds of fires


Speaker / Workshops

Dr Anton Kats: RA:DIO – All kinds of fires

The workshop facilitated by Anton Kats is shaped by the fundamental questions of transmission:

Driven by the questions of agency the workshop will consider radio as a medium of emergency reaching beyond a particular technological form. Exploring radio as a working social power expressing conditions of politics, culture and heart, the workshop will practically investigate trajectories of artistic practice in times of great intensity, conflicts and war.

The practitioners are invited to form an ensemble investigating listening as an overarching methodology of work. Invoking listening as a sonic strategy altering one’s own practice and uncertainty into a readable place, the workshop will draw on scientific methods of artistic research, performance, dance, music, improvisation, theatre, mediation and film in order to make these useful in the everyday context of artistic and agency-driven work.

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