
Home » Symposium » Anne Helga Henning


Speaker / Workshops
© Milan Ognjanovic

Anne Helga Henning, born in 1968, lives and works as a visual artist in Trondheim, Norway. She was educated at The Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim, and has a relevant further educational course as an atelierista from the Reggio Emilia institute in Stockholm, Sweden. This course brought forth her interest in collaboration through artistic interventions with various institutions such as kindergartens, schools and institutions addressing psychiatry, dementia care and, lately, refugees.

Henning’s research on how to create abstract visual compositions with people with dementia (Mønster, 2015) has received national attention. Through her collaboration with Svartlamon Kindergarten over the years 2007 -2017, the kindergarten won a national kindergarten award three times. In the years 2016-2021, Henning was involved in three public art assignments for schools and nursing homes, based on the participation of students and residents. In all these assignments, participation and meeting through artistic interventions with research groups over time has been important. This co -research consolidates a platform for the finalising process in her artist’s studio preparing for the final public artwork. Henning also employed a 50 per cent post associate professor in drawing at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

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