
Home » Graduates » Lisa Haucke – Project


Lisa Haucke – Project

Flying paper gliders, 2020

© Nina Werth

I commenced my period as a Flying Artist at the Limes School Idstein with a performance act which structured the entire school year in the formal setting I had chosen. For this purpose, I asked everyone belonging to the school to write something they wished for the school year on a paper glider and let it sail down into the playground. Afterwards, a pick of three gliders was taken by me and my performance colleagues in a dance performance, and one date each was determined randomly on which I would be fulfilling this wish with further art activities in the course of the year. The paper gliders were gathered and evaluated, categorised, shredded and recreated with the pupils. Then a book was bound containing the wishes which became part of the school library’s non-lending collection.

What have you taken home from this project for your artistic activities?

What was inspiring for artistic activities was that, as a guest of the school, I was also the host of the artists’ room. Seeing the Flying Artist’s room not only being the “third pedagogue” but also being able to turn it into an act of art was a great experience. The flying paper gliders activity showed me that, as an artist, I have the possibility to combine the voices of many, highlight the school as a social field with artistic means and, by setting certain frameworks, realise small as well as large sub-projects. Not only does this create structures, it can also change everyday ones which we are used to. With the book, I can give something back to the school community – very much in accord with the sustainability of projects in cultural education.