Aaesthetic research on light pollution, 2013-2014
“Ästhetische Forschung zur Lichtverschmutzung” (aesthetic research on light pollution) is a successful interdisciplinary art research project addressing a volatile topic which pursues the goal of bringing regions far away from culture into cultural exchange. Regarding societal, cultural, astronomic and ecological aspects, the project comprised an aesthetic research process debating the problem of light pollution. In three project cycles, a discursion on design was developed which evolved into visual communication, into object and installation art and into a photo documentary exhibition format. The aim of each project phase was a presentation section with works of art which in turn represented the basic platform for ideas and impulses relating to the subsequent working group.
What have you taken home from this project for your artistic activities?
In addition to the aesthetic experiences of the youths, it was important for me to show with one’s own creative results and the debates which have been triggered that it is up to everyone to maintain a democratic, self-responsible and thus sustainable contribution to the development of the environment in the sense of an open, extended concept of art.