JUKEBOX 2.0, 2020
“Jukebox 2.0” is a dancing piece for two professional dancers which I was commissioned to develop for the dancing scene in Baden-Württemberg in the context of the communicating format “Tanz in der Fläche”, which imparts contemporary dancing to target groups beyond the city ballrooms, basing its approach on a triad of artistic presentation, communication and participation. Thus the piece progressed with 18 participants (15 to 78 years) in Ehingen (Donau) to the “Jukebox 3.0 Ehingen”. Currently, a further development with 20 Erwachsenen aiming for a “Jukebox 3.0 [in] Geislingen” is underway.
A sample view: https://vimeo.com/484054126
What have you taken home from this project for your artistic activities?
From this intergenerative project, I have in particular taken home the perspectives on dancing among the different age groups. I have learnt a lot about what really are very different interests and will always bear them in mind in future concepts and performances.