Gong project, 2017
In 2017, Wang Shiwen and I founded the collective “Gong Project”, which produces interdisciplinary music works and brings together musicians representing different music styles. In this project, we aim to provide the opportunity to look at Chinese folklore and philosophy and transform it into music and performance in order to use it to comment on and criticise contemporary society.
What have you taken home from this project for your artistic activities?
I have learnt to perceive music not only as an acoustic result but also as an approach to a context and a means of exploring its historical background. This experience has in turn inspired my compositions. Especially when I create performative works of art, they give the music a new dimension. While collaborating with musicians from various regions, I learn how they understand and express culture. I then explain some Chinese cultural phenomena. This sharing of experiences is not meant to be an exotic exhibition but is intended as a platform for mutual understanding and discussing current topics in society. Experience gained can also be transferred to the curating of concerts.