
Home » Graduates » Bea Berthold

Bea Berthold

© Martina Biedermann

Bea Berthold is a diploma graphic designer. Since graduating at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle in 1997, she has been working as a freelance graphic designer and exhibition designer. In 1993 and 1994, during a study visit to the People’s Republic of China, she intensively dealt with Chinese calligraphy, which further intensified her love of calligraphy in general. Courses which she heads include some for children and youths such as “Die Bücherfresser” (the book-eaters) or “Die Büchermacher” (the book-makers) at the “Kinder- und Jugendkunstschule Wartburgkreis e. V.”, which she co-initiated and co-founded in 2009.


bea [dot] berthold [at] gmx [dot] de

All content by Bea Berthold